What is the sweetest smell to you?
My Friend Elisabeth Schilling can tell you that the sweetest smell is anywhere outside of a hospital. Her daughter, Katie-Anne, was diagnosed with Stage 4 High Risk Neuroblastoma. Those are the worst words a parent can hear. Over the past few years, sweet Katie-Anne has been poked and prodded, had ribs removed, teeth fall out and treatment after treatment. She is now in remission. Praise the Lord!
Elisabeth has had to run from hospital visit to hospital visit, scans, bloodwork, you name it. And all of that takes a HUGE emotional, mental, physical and financial toll.
Speaking of financial toll, Elisabeth let me know that the insurance has paid over $6M for Katie-Anne’s care, but has still left her family drowning in medical debt…over $50K of outstanding balances. Elisabeth is not one to sit around feeling sorry for herself so she started a business making soaps (and other things). She uses this money to chip away at the medical debt. I’ve purchased 1000 bars of soap and that is what is in your KeyStaff Gives today. I hope you love it! If you’d like to support the Schilling family, you can log on to her Etsy shop and buy some goodies too. Her site is www.etsy.com/shop/RollingCraftsCo or you could donate to her directly through Venmo @RollingCrafts, go fund me at https://gofund.me/cd74c1ca or reaching out to me and I can connect you directly. You know no idea what a blessing you would be to her and her family.
We just love highlighting amazing people. Thank you for letting us share this story with you. If you have time for us to swing by and chat about staffing, we’d love to do that too. Meeting with us or working with us allows us to continue supporting amazing people like these, so we welcome every opportunity to chat about staffing. We use our marketing dollars to do amazing things and we can do amazing things in your organization if you give us a chance to staff for you.
Smell ya later! 😊
Amy Clary, President
KeyStaff, Inc
M: 512-470-4958