What is your purpose?
They say that the two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you discover why! Have you thought about that? I know I have. And, what I’ve determined is that my purpose here on earth is to help children (here and around the world) through adoption, adoption funding, fostering, and raising funds and awareness for children. (I also happen to run a fairly large staffing agency as my day job.) But my real passion is helping children who have no control of their situations.
One thing about me is that I like to put my money where my mouth is. My husband and I adopted an orphan from China who we’ve named Dawson. (His nickname in China was Dada. We named him “Da is our son” or Dawson). We’ve also fostered two precious little girls who were in terrible, heart-breaking situations. I’ve started the One Less Orphan Fund to raise money for Orphan Adoption as well. Between 600 employees at KeyStaff and raising 4 kids of my own, as well as sponsoring 9 kids in Africa, I feel like I’m doing as much as I can to fulfil my purpose.
My friend Joanne Mumbi, however, is 100% dedicated to Orphan Rescue. She and her family have started an organization called Darko Orphans (www.darkoorphans.org). She can match you with an orphan child in Kenya that you can sponsor to feed, clothe and educate for only $50/month. What I love most about it is that I get pictures and videos from my sponsored kiddos and I get to send pictures and videos back. It’s direct communication, not like the really big organizations with lots of red tape (but those are good too!) This is boots on the ground, close connections that you get to have a close relationship with. You can email Joanne directly at info@darkoorphans.org to get more information and to pick out a child to sponsor.
I’ve bought 1000 bracelets handmade in Africa to help spread the word about these kids and their needs. And, I hope you spend a minute to log on and look up the organization, see if it’s something you would want to support. There are so many kids that need sponsorship to eat and to get an education. You can make a HUGE difference in the life of a child!! Thank you for letting me spread the word about something so important to me. By reading this (and sponsoring), you are helping me fulfil my life’s purpose and for that I’m so grateful.
Also, by reaching out to me for staffing help, you’re also helping orphans. My largest giving each year is to Orphan Rescue. So, I’d be grateful to partner with you for your upcoming staffing needs. Just give me a call or shoot me an email. I’m here to make the world a better place for children in need (and to fill your jobs)!
Amy Clary, President